The mod includes features such as hooking up in more random places such as wardrobes, increasing the chances of your sims getting naked just because they want to, and you can also enable a little sim solo time. Made by TurboDriver, it allows a lot more variation in your sim's sexual actions and makes it more realistic to boot. The Wicked Whims mod is definitely one of the most extensive on this list and is by no means meant for younger players of the series (18+ please).

Related: Sims 4 Cheats to Unlock all Items Wicked Whims Image via itsmeTroi When clothed it does just reveal the rest of the clothes that would usually be underneath the tile, but you can always have your sim streak and see what happens! There is a way to get rid of this and it is by using a mod by Moxiemason which completely removes the censor. well, since the dawn of The Sims there has been a mosaic pattern when a sim showers or goes to the bathroom.