Here are steps-by-step procedure to make "clean, mod open" state for the Oblivion and also showing how to clean mods:

Drop it anywhere and launch it after having installed and finished your mod loadout.

Tool to generate LOD with the mod setup you have. This is to give out vanilla focus upon the game and not resort into flashiness the other modding guides are prone to do. Notice: This is not a guide to make your game as beautiful as possible or make the game as hard as possible. These tools are helpful to make the experience more worthwhile and breathe new life into the game, while not straying off from the base game's look and gameplay. Having played Oblivion for hours, first with retail version, then with Steam version, I decided to do this mod guide as means not only to list my own personal mod loadout, but also as means to show how easy it is to mod the game. As a final nail into the coffin, the game is as buggy and prone to crash like other games Bethesda has made. Also, the game introduced character face generation, which is great in concept to give every NPC an unique look, but it is unfortunate that the modeling of the faces came a bit off, leading to creations of monstrosities rather than ordinary looking people.

Unfortunately, playing it for few hours will show the worst aspects of the game leveling that requires min-maxing in order to be efficient at higher levels, fights that lasts over minutes due to a high healthpool and extremely forced level scaling, making sure that nothing high or nothing lower ever spawns, only revolving around the player. Set upon medieval temperate forest with diverse locations, in the themes of vegetation and the architechture, and thanks to the colorful visuals, the game can be quite beauty to look at stands even for this time with the vibrant colors it has. Set upon Cyrodiil, the capital of Imperial City, set upon fourth era during Oblivion Crisis, A champion raises to from the prison by the aid of Uriel Septim in order to save Tamriel from Mehrunes Dagon, the Daedric Prince of Destruction. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is the fourth game of the official series.